Time in the Winter Studio
Time is an essential part of growing seeds in a garden and also for working with yarn. I began weaving the zinnia garden textile and I’m loving the result.
The sunlight has been absolutely beautiful despite how the cold January days got me this week. This cold isn’t my kind of weather.
Some of the benefits of waking up early are the quiet and looking out the kitchen’s window to notice the moon at dawn. It’s a sublime time of the day.
My studio is in the sunroom and I’m thankful for its great windows for weaving. I use this room for various activities — it’s an office, a library, a gym. I get lots of natural light to work the tiny details. The special light makes it worth the layers I have to wear to stay warm when it’s this cold. Here are a few photos of the process.
I hope you’re all staying warm and focused. 🌞