art, life & movement by Rossana

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Brooklyn: Rooftop Garden

14 years ago, I decided to start a garden on a rooftop in Brooklyn. And so we went to the farmers market to get plants, IKEA to get the tiles and lights, and the hardware store to get the pots and soil. This is how it started.

After so many years living in the city, I was craving the nature I experienced growing up.
I redirected my practice to all related to health and the environment.

As I look at the skies this week, I’m glad I changed my practice and my lifestyle.

If you’re curious about starting a garden, planting something at home, apartment, volunteering in your community, refilling, use less plastic, learn about your local ecosystem, here I am and I’m happy to help.

I’m not an expert, but through the years I’ve learned a lot. Every single day is an opportunity to take action towards the earth and our health. And our actions count big time.