art, life & movement by Rossana

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Subtleties of Textiles

Before I began weaving, there were subtleties of textiles and dyeing/printing with vegetables from the rooftop garden in my work.

It was a cold winter day five years ago that made me get this first (traveling) loom so I could weave everywhere. I took it in the subway to commute to work and wove at lunch whenever I could. I made tiny textiles that now use as coasters in our house. From there, I took a weaving class to learn how to use a rigid heddle loom, and that was it.

Those who know me from my childhood, my mom had a clothing store for 20+ years (a reason why I love supporting small businesses in our neighborhood). Being surrounded by fabric, clothes, and fantastic strong women certainly is part of what I do in the weaving & garden studio today.

I’m counting the days to March and more time in the garden. But I’m also thankful for that winter day when I ordered this tiny loom that has taken me to the looms, and projects I’m working on.